Antonio Gallardo Ballart’s Biography

Antonio Gallardo Ballart was born on March 12, 1936. In 1952 he joined Almirall, at the age of 16 years, with a solid international education in Commerce. He held different executive positions at the Company such as Sales and Marketing Manager, being responsible for the launch of key products resulting from Almirall’s research: Almax, Cleboril and Ebastel, as well as various licensed products. After his father’s passing in 1988, he and his brother, Jorge, took the reins of the business, fostering the modernization and internationalization of the Company.

In 1992 Jorge and Antonio started the development of the Family Governance structure, which achieved the transition to the Third Generation in 2022.

Antonio was President of the Family Office of the Group until 2014 and he was also Chairman of the Family Council until 2016.

He was President at Almirall until he left the position in the hands of his brother, Jorge Gallardo Ballart, and, also, he was Vice-President and Member of the Board until 2014.

He is currently Co-President of the Gallardo Family Group and President of the Palarq Foundation.

Other recognitions and positions are:

  • Vice-President of Instituto de la Empresa Familiar
  • Member of the Executive Council of the Family Business Network.
  • President of Asociación Catalana de la Empresa Familiar
  • Member of Consejo Consultivo de Fomento de Trabajo Nacional
  • Member of Real Academia de Medicina de Cataluña
  • Award Medalla al Trabajo
  • Award Encomienda de la Orden Civil de Sanidad
  • Award Clau de Barcelona